I Am What I Wore

One girl's quest to streamline and catalog her nostalgia-laden wardrobe.

Lessons I Have Learned: Part One- The Bridge

Dottie 1

Why, hello there! I know. It’s been a long time.
But why, you ask?
All I can tell you is that I have been struggling with some extreme, extra-hurty growing pains.
And that I miss this and I need this, and that I’m not the same person when my fingers only touch a keyboard to enter numbers into Excel spreadsheets.
So I’m coming back, even if there is no one left out there who reads these words.
I just need them, is all.
One lesson that was particularly hard for me to learn during this period of strange transition is that sometimes the only way around turbulence is just to suck it up and build a bridge.
It’s really no use to look back and try to figure out how the damage started.
It does no good to stare into the flood and ask why.
And if you try to fight against it, you will most likely be swallowed whole.
And so. The bridge.
Build a bridge. Move forward. Keep going.
That’s my plan, for now, at least.
It required an almost 12-hour closet clean out. But I feel more organized than ever. And I have a Shelf-Of-Honor for my most beloved shoes.
So, new closet, a (slightly) new look, a new inspiration, new stories, and, dare I say, a new attitude!
And, best of all, a new model. Meet Dottie! She has a wonderful resume, having started her career with the incomparably fabulous Juda Leah. Her best feature? She actually has a booty! So it will be so much easier to put trousers and skirts on her.
But for now, she’s modeling the newest love of my life, a gorgeous necklace by Alicia Stang, found at Juda’s shop.
And don’t feel sad for Trixie, my last model. She’ll enjoy a lovely retirement, wearing something beautiful.
Maybe even on the Shelf-of-Honor…
Well. I can’t wait to get started again! I will not be here as often as in my Year of Frenzied Writing. I wish I could, but time just doesn’t last as long as it used to, it seems. But I will be here, at least once per week.
So check back soon!


  1. Maria

    BEYOND thrilled that you’re back!!!!!!

  2. Juda Leah

    Can’t wait for more! I’m so glad Dottie has a good home! xox

  3. Angelica

    YAY YAY so happy you’re back too! And Dottie is super cute. ❤

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