I Am What I Wore

One girl's quest to streamline and catalog her nostalgia-laden wardrobe.

Time Flies.


Item: Blouse Color/Fabric: Baby pink, silk Designer: Rebecca Taylor Where Purchased: Shopbop.com Years Owned: 5ish?

Well, friends, I last left you with “Writing Begets Writing,” or some other such nonsense. It is true. But what is equally, if not more, true is that “Not Writing Begets Not Writing.” Yes. There is that.
My Month of Frenzied Writing will not be finishing quite as smashingly as it started, I’m afraid. There were a lot of totally awesome distractions that came my way- and I enjoyed them fully.
I will not feel guilty.
There really is no reason for guilt. Because many wonderful things happened this month! I wrote more than I have in all of five years. I worked out a few tricky plot points that made me throw in the towel long ago. I created a Work Mantra that has helped the days pass easier. I saw a dear and sorely missed Southern transplant. I won tickets to a mind-blowing concert. I threw a spectacularly fun party for my awesome trainers. And most importantly, I made a promise in my heart that I am not giving up on my book.
A promise made in the heart is one of the most solemn vows there is. I feel it every time my heart beats.
It’s the real deal.
Also in April, I got to see two totally rocking, utterly heart wrenching performances of one of my all-time favorite shows- Rent. Flawlessly produced by Castaway Players, and starring many of my dear friends, it took my breath away both times I saw it. If you missed it, you can watch many memorable moments here:

I was completely in awe of my friend Sean’s powerful performance of “One Song Glory,” and it made me think of the time I got to see Broadway’s original Roger, Adam Pascal, sing the song in a warm, intimate setting. Oh, yes- I also got to be in his first music video.
How did this happen? Let me tell you. One day I received a mass email from my friend Jarek, who makes music videos and movies and such and is ridiculously talented, looking for extras to be in an Adam Pascal music video.
Of course Nate and I went!
It wasn’t quite as glamorous as I hoped- mostly, it involved sitting in a bar, and waiting, and sitting even more, and waiting even longer, all the while listening to the same line of the same song over and over. It was a beautiful song, of course. Listening to anything over and over, for hours, even if a Broadway legend is singing it, can be enough to drive anyone a little mad. But I got to be in the same room with Adam Pascal, and stare at him endlessly! And it was really awesome watching the music video process.
So, worth it. Definitely!
Especially at the end, when he treated us to a little spontaneous concert. It was beyond late at this point, and I think I was slightly delirious. I can’t remember what exactly was played- I just remember being transfixed in a surreal moment. And then crying, of course, when he played “One Song Glory.”
A magical, magical night.
And the video turned out incredible- Jarek did a remarkable job! I’m very proud to have been a part of it, even though Nate and I are in it for literally one tenth of a second. You should watch it now. See if you can find us, and this blouse! Like Where’s Waldo, but with fashion!

Ah, this blouse. Five-ish years ago, when I got this, the trend was very low rise pants, low rise skirts, low rise everything. So I had a hard time finding anything to wear with it, given its sweet drawstring waist. Plus, it’s so delicate, and so very baby pink, that I am terrified of spilling something on it and ruining it. Therefore, I have hardly ever worn this, besides that night.
But what is the point in not wearing it? There is none. It’s a shame- I really think it is so beautiful.

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